
  • Tailwind block

    The Tailwind block in the ska-blocks plugin allows to enter HTML with Tailwind classes and compile it to include the Tailwind CSS on the front end as well. The block itself has multiple features and can serve many different purposes, such as rendering any custom HTML, converting Tailwind HTML to blocks, adding scripts or styles,…

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  • Text block

    The Text block is a block that can contain Rich Text. By default the HTML tag name span is used, but it can be changed using the Element type block controls: The block is very basic and similar to the core/paragraph block except you can customize the tag name and attributes. Use it whenever the…

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  • Element block

    The Element block is a block that can contain other blocks. By default the HTML tag name div is used, but it can be changed using the Element type block controls: The block also supports receiving any custom attributes: As with most blocks, the block also accepts Tailwind classes. In combination with a custom tag…

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