ska-theme -> General -> Under construction option allows to enable “coming soon” mode for the website.
When enabled, anyone who visits the site while not logged in will see the Under construction template instead of your front page.
Under construction mode does not make your site private, your pages content is still exposed via REST API and the mode can be bypassed with a simple query var.
The mode is very rudimentary, simply designed to let any human visitors know that the website is not ready yet. If you need a more advanced solution that guarantees lack of access to your site content you’ll need to use a third party plugin or don’t place the website online.
The under construction mode can easily be bypassed by adding ?ska-is-preview
to the end of the URL.
When visiting the page with this query variable a cookie is created that keeps bypassing the under construction mode.
The Under Construction template can be edited from Appearance -> Editor -> Patterns -> Template parts -> General -> Under construction page.
Under construction mode doesn’t disable indexing by search engines, so if you wish to prevent search engines from indexing your site you need to enable the Settings -> Reading -> Discourage search engines from indexing this site option from WordPress core settings.