ska-theme ships with the following templates:
- index All in one template for displaying blog posts, archive pages, search results
- single Single post page, applies Tailwind prose by default
- single-with-comments Single post page, that also includes comments and comment form
- page Renders single page
- prose Allows using Tailwind prose with pages
- full-width Renders content without a container, useful for creating landing pages
- blank Renders only post content, no header, no footer
- 404 Content displayed when a page is not found
Additional templates when using the WooCommerce plugin:
- cart Renders cart page
- checkout Renders checkout page
- order-confirmation Renders order confirmation page
- archive-product Renders the shop page
- single-product Renders the single product page
WooCommerce templates use legacy mode, meaning they are not composed of blocks but will render their content via WC php templates, some of which the theme overrides.