Slider block

The Slider block allows creating sliders using Swiper slider.

Various controls for configuring Swiper are provided:

Slides per view and Space between options can use Tailwind-like breakpoint syntax.

When the controls are not enough, you can provide a custom JavaScript object with additional Swiper configuration:

The slider is not functioning in the block editor, instead all the slides are rendered at once, which can get quite cluttered. The option to Hide other slides can help:

When enabled, you’ll only see the first slide of the slider, unless you use the List View to activate another slide:

With ska-theme the block also has the Swiper preset applied to provide shared styles for theme color and navigation controls appearance. The .use-default-nav class can be used to disable navigation controls appearance on a specific slider.

Variables can be set on the Slider block to configure Swiper CSS variables using Tailwind values:

Simply enter --swiper-theme-color to the Add classes or utility... field to create a control for a Tailwind CSS variable.


When inserting a Gallery block into a Slider block, disable the Wrap option on the Gallery block so that it doesn’t wrap gallery images in an element and allows the individual images to become slides.

<!-- wp:ska/slider {"pagination":"dynamic-bullets","loop":true,"skaBlocksSelectors":{"[\u0026_.swiper-slide]":[]}} -->
<div class="swiper wp-block-ska-slider" data-ska-swiper="{{ska-slider-id}}"><div class="swiper-wrapper"><!-- wp:ska/gallery {"ids":[702,703,701,700,698,699,697,706,705,704],"size":"large","wrap":false} -->
<div class="wp-block-ska-gallery"><span class="ska-gallery-content-placeholder"></span></div>
<!-- /wp:ska/gallery --></div><div class="swiper-pagination"></div><div class="swiper-button-prev ska-swiper-nav__button"></div><div class="swiper-button-next ska-swiper-nav__button"></div></div>
<!-- /wp:ska/slider -->

Optionally, setting the gallery images to Link to -> Full size image and wrapping the slider with the Lightbox block allows the have a slider with a gallery that has a lightbox.

<!-- wp:ska/lightbox -->
<div class="wp-block-ska-lightbox"><!-- wp:ska/slider {"effect":"cube","speed":600,"pagination":"dynamic-bullets","loop":true,"skaBlocksSelectors":{"[\u0026_.swiper-slide]":[]}} -->
<div class="swiper wp-block-ska-slider" data-ska-swiper="{{ska-slider-id}}"><div class="swiper-wrapper"><!-- wp:ska/gallery {"ids":[698,702,704,703,697,701,706,700,699,705],"size":"large","linkTo":"full","wrap":false} -->
<div class="wp-block-ska-gallery"><span class="ska-gallery-content-placeholder"></span></div>
<!-- /wp:ska/gallery --></div><div class="swiper-pagination"></div><div class="swiper-button-prev ska-swiper-nav__button"></div><div class="swiper-button-next ska-swiper-nav__button"></div></div>
<!-- /wp:ska/slider --></div>
<!-- /wp:ska/lightbox -->


The core WordPress Query block can be inserted into Slider block to create slides from the results of the query.

Example slider rendering posts from “Blocks” category using the WordPress “Query” block inside the “Slider” block

Cart dialog

The Cart dialog block can display a button to the WooCommerce mini cart widget in a Dialog, which is a light-weight alternative for the WC “Mini-cart” block. When WooCommerce isn’t activated the… Read more

Language switcher

The Language switcher block can display a placeholder language switcher when a multilingual plugin isn’t installed yet, but will switch to using languages from WPML or Polylang once detected. Block options Mode… Read more

Code block

The code block is an alternative for the WordPress code block with the addition of syntax highlighting, indenting and copy function. The Code block uses the “Code block” preset for its’ appearance… Read more

Conditions block

The Conditions and Condition blocks can be used to render content when a certain condition applies. Condition The ska/condition block allows to set any whitelisted PHP function name as as the condition… Read more

Post data block

The Post data block can render various data about the current post. ska/post-data is an alternative to WordPress core blocks such as Title, Excerpt and Categories. The block aims to produce cleaner… Read more

Menu block

The Menu block renders a classic WordPress navigation menu. When using ska-theme, the legacy WordPress menus are re-enabled for a simpler alternative to the WordPress core Navigation block. The ska/menu block has… Read more

Slider block

The Slider block allows creating sliders using Swiper slider. Various controls for configuring Swiper are provided: Slides per view and Space between options can use Tailwind-like breakpoint syntax. When the controls are… Read more

Lightbox block

The Lightbox block can be used to wrap images to give them lightbox capability. While the ska/image already has an option to enable lightbox, you can wrap multiple images (or combine with… Read more

Gallery block

The Gallery block is an alternative to the WordPress core Gallery block. The main advantage of the ska/gallery block is that it can render an image gallery with a simple and predictable… Read more

Image block

The Image block can be used to display different types of media. Modes The image block comes with multiple different modes of operation: File Choose an image file from WordPress Media Library,… Read more

Tailwind block

The Tailwind block in the ska-blocks plugin allows to enter HTML with Tailwind classes and compile it to include the Tailwind CSS on the front end as well. The block itself has… Read more

Text block

The Text block is a block that can contain Rich Text. By default the HTML tag name span is used, but it can be changed using the Element type block controls: The… Read more

Element block

The Element block is a block that can contain other blocks. By default the HTML tag name div is used, but it can be changed using the Element type block controls: The… Read more

<!-- wp:ska/element {"skaBlocks":{"cx":"p-6 not-prose rounded border shadow","css":".p-6{padding:var(\u002d\u002dspacing-6)}.rounded{border-radius:var(\u002d\u002dradius)}.border{border-style:var(\u002d\u002dtw-border-style);border-width:1px}.shadow{\u002d\u002dtw-shadow:var(\u002d\u002dshadow-sm);box-shadow:var(\u002d\u002dtw-inset-shadow),var(\u002d\u002dtw-inset-ring-shadow),var(\u002d\u002dtw-ring-offset-shadow),var(\u002d\u002dtw-ring-shadow),var(\u002d\u002dtw-shadow)}","t":1740957313},"skaBlocksPadding":{"v":{"$":{"@":"6"}}},"skaBlocksProse":{"v":{"$":{"@":"not-prose"}}},"skaBlocksBorderRadius":{"v":{"$":{"@":"DEFAULT"}}},"skaBlocksBorderWidth":{"v":{"$":{"@":"DEFAULT"}}},"skaBlocksBoxShadow":{"v":{"$":{"@":"DEFAULT"}}}} -->
<div class="p-6 not-prose rounded border shadow wp-block-ska-element"><!-- wp:ska/slider {"effect":"coverflow","pagination":"fraction","autoHeight":true,"skaBlocks":{"cx":"[\u0026_.swiper-slide]:pb-12","css":".\\[\\\u0026_\\.swiper-slide\\]\\:pb-12 .swiper-slide{padding-bottom:var(\u002d\u002dspacing-12)}","t":1740957313},"skaBlocksSelectors":{"[\u0026_.swiper-slide]":{"skaBlocksPadding":{"v":{"$":{"@":"","b":"12"}},"t":"sides"}}}} -->
<div class="swiper [&_.swiper-slide]:pb-12 wp-block-ska-slider" data-ska-swiper="{{ska-slider-id}}"><div class="swiper-wrapper"><!-- wp:query {"queryId":0,"query":{"perPage":"99","pages":0,"offset":0,"postType":"post","order":"desc","orderBy":"date","author":"","search":"","exclude":[],"sticky":"","inherit":false,"taxQuery":{"post_tag":[13]},"parents":[]}} -->
<div class="wp-block-query"><!-- wp:post-template -->
<!-- wp:post-title {"level":5,"skaBlocks":{"cx":"text-center","css":".text-center{text-align:center}","t":1740957313},"skaBlocksTextAlign":{"v":{"$":{"@":"center"}}}} /-->

<!-- wp:post-excerpt {"moreText":"Read more","showMoreOnNewLine":false,"excerptLength":32,"skaBlocks":{"cx":"sm:px-16 text-base/snug text-center","css":"@media (width\u003e=40rem){.sm\\:px-16{padding-inline:var(\u002d\u002dspacing-16)}}.text-base\\/snug{font-size:var(\u002d\u002dtext-base);line-height:var(\u002d\u002dleading-snug)}.text-center{text-align:center}","t":1740957313},"skaBlocksPadding":{"v":{"$":{"@":""},"sm":{"x":"16"}},"t":"axis"},"skaBlocksFontSize":{"v":{"$":{"@":"base/snug"}}},"skaBlocksTextAlign":{"v":{"$":{"@":"center"}}}} /-->
<!-- /wp:post-template --></div>
<!-- /wp:query --></div><div class="swiper-pagination"></div><div class="swiper-button-prev ska-swiper-nav__button"></div><div class="swiper-button-next ska-swiper-nav__button"></div></div>
<!-- /wp:ska/slider --></div>
<!-- /wp:ska/element -->