Importing a demo

Pre-built demos for ska-theme are available here.

Demos are a fast starting point for a website with a particular appearance or style. They include customizations to ska-blocks, ska-theme configurations, Tailwind theme, modifications to presets and sample pages.

Importing a demo

  1. Ensure your site is using the ska-blocks plugin, has the ska-theme theme installed, as well as the ska-theme-child child theme installed and activated.
  2. Download the .json file of your chosen demo.
  3. Navigate to ska-theme settings:

  4. Press the “Import” button at the bottom of the settings:

  5. Select the .json file to import from your computer and hit “Import all”:

  6. Once imported, you can close the Import modal:

  7. Hit Save in the top right corner to save all the imported content:

  8. All presets will be automatically re-compiled as well, indicated by the icon next to the ska plugin icon – hit Save once more to persist these changes:

  9. Import completed – visit the site to see the new appearance.

Next steps

See: ska-theme getting started – first steps