Displaying WooCommerce products with shortcodes

While WordPress has the block editor and various blocks for displaying WooCommerce products, shortcodes are still a popular method for displaying lists of WC products because unlike blocks they use consistent styling provided by the theme, instead of hard-coded styles that WC blocks use.

Here is a reference of the most common shortcodes for displaying WooCommerce products:


Recent products

[products columns="4" limit="16" orderby="date" order="DESC" /]

On-sale products

[products columns="4" limit="16" on_sale="true" /]

Best-selling products

[products columns="4" limit="16" best_selling="true" /]

Featured products

[products columns="4" limit="16" visibility="featured" /]

Products by attribute

[products columns="4" limit="16" attribute="color" filter="black" /]

Products by categories

[products columns="4" limit="16" category="hoodies, tshirts" cat_operator="AND|IN|NOT IN" /]

Products by tags

[products columns="4" limit="16" tag="tag1, tag2" tag_operator="AND|IN|NOT IN" /]

Products by IDs

[products columns="4" ids="123, 456, 789, 101112"]

Products by SKUs

[products columns="4" skus="sku-1, sku-2, sku-3, sku-4"]

Additional options for [products] shortcode

Ordering attributes

[products orderby="date|id|menu_order|popularity|rand|rating|title" order="ASC|DESC" /]

Add pagination

[products paginate="true" /]

Product categories

Top level product categories

[product_categories parent="0" /]

Products from a category

[product_category category="123" /]

Single product

Display a single product by ID

[product id="123"]

Display a single product by SKU

[product sku="product-sku"]

Product page

[product_page id="123"]

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