Build your next
WordPress site even faster, with Tailwind

Manage Tailwind classes on WordPress blocks with intuitive UI.
Easily bring any design to life in the Block Editor while maintaining seamless content editing for users of all levels.

Elevate your design and functionality

Unlock the potential of your WordPress site with ska-blocks and ska-theme – a Tailwind theme for WordPress.

Adding Tailwind CSS classes to WordPress blocks with ska-blocks UI

Editing values of Tailwind classes with ska-blocks UI

Editing Tailwind preset with selectors in ska-theme theme options

Creating an accordion in the WordPress block editor with ska-blocks blocks

Unlock limitless possibilities

Tools to bring your vision to life, seamlessly blending Tailwind’s power with the robustness of WordPress.

Build and iterate on your landing pages in record time

Customize every aspect of your landing page’s design directly in the WordPress block editor, save to publish – no build step needed.

Ensure a flawless shopping experience on any device

From product listings to checkout forms, tailor the design to match your brand’s unique identity with ease.

The power of customization in your hands

Take your portfolio or business website to the next level with Tailwind CSS and unlock endless possibilities for showcasing your talent or promoting your services.

Landing page in a mock browser window
Product page in a mock browser window
Business website in a mock browser window

Get started today

Add Tailwind to WordPress, discover if it suits your requirements by trying it out for free for 14 days.

Try for free for 14 days

Loved by businesses worldwide

Placeholder testimonials using ska-theme’s built-in Testimonials custom post type and the WordPress Query block, styled with Tailwind class names facilitated by the ska-blocks plugin.

  • This is the fourth email I’ve sent to your support team. I am literally being held in jail for tax fraud. Please answer your damn emails, this is important.

    Amy Hahn
    Director at Velocity Industries
  • There are so many things I had to do with my old software that I just don’t do at all with TaxPal. Suspicious but I can’t say I don’t love it.

    Erin Powlowski
    COO at Armstrong Inc
  • I’m trying to get a hold of someone in support, I’m in a lot of trouble right now and they are saying it has something to do with my books. Please get back to me right away.

    Amy Hahn
    Director at Velocity Industries
  • I used to have to remit tax to the EU and with TaxPal I somehow don’t have to do that anymore. Nervous to travel there now though.

    Peter Renolds
    Founder of West Inc
  • The best part about TaxPal is every time I pay my employees, my bank balance doesn’t go down like it used to. Looking forward to spending this extra cash when I figure out why my card is being declined.

    Leland Kiehn
    Founder of Kiehn and Sons
  • TaxPal is so easy to use I can’t help but wonder if it’s really doing the things the government expects me to do.

    Sheryl Berge
    CEO at Lynch LLC


Get your hands on the modern WordPress toolbox

Enhance your current site with Tailwind capabilities using the plugin, or choose the bundle for a complete Tailwind-based site creation experience.

Before you buy: in the near future the plugin and theme will be updated to use the upcoming Tailwind V4 and this will likely cause breaking changes.
Consider holding off if you prefer stability above all else.

Payment frequency


$5.99 /month
$59.99 /year

Add Tailwind capabilities to your existing site.

Theme & Plugin bundle

$9.99 /month
$99.99 /year

Create a fully Tailwind-based site.

Free trial for 14 days

Does it work well with your existing site? Can you use it to build the site you’re looking for? Find out now for free, no credit card required.

Frequently asked questions

Don’t forget to check out the documentation for details about the software.

    • What is FSE or Full Site Editing?

      With the new WordPress block editor, template files (such as header and footer) no longer need to be separate .php files that you edit with a text editor; instead you can edit them as you would edit any other post or page, straight in the WordPress admin dashboard.

    • Do I need to know how to code?

      Understanding Tailwind CSS classes and basic HTML is needed to create custom layouts, but not necessary to edit existing content or for creating simple posts. You don’t really need to know PHP.

    • Can I use the same license in dev, staging and live?

      Localhost, staging and development environments won’t get counted toward the license’s maximum allowed sites if its domain name is clearly a dev or staging site (see here).

    • Can I use normal WordPress block editor appearance controls?

      With ska-theme WordPress appearance controls are disabled by default as they are less powerful than Tailwind and therefore redundant, but you can re-enable a subset of them if necessary.

    • What happens when the free trial ends?

      All the features remain working, updates and support are no longer available.

    • What is your refund policy?

      14 day risk free, no questions asked refund.

    • What happens when my license expires?

      All the features remain working, updates and support are no longer available.

    • After I install the plugin and theme, what will it look like?

      By default your new website would look something like this (the front page content is added from bundled block patterns). A simple and clean starting point that can be taken in any direction and molded to the design you want with the power of Tailwind.
      A WooCommerce store with dummy products and some additional theme options enabled looks like this.

    • Are there pre-made designs I can import?

      Not at the moment but potentially in the future. There are some patterns available for content as well as the ability to convert Tailwind HTML to blocks.